That's right, says I probably ovulated on CD 16 which was Saturday April 18th! I say "probably" because the cross hairs are dashed, not solid, which means it is estimating ovulation based on only temperatures and not other signs such as CM. The only reason I didn't track CM was because I heard of the negative effects of Clomid on your CM which might make it hard to rely on that as a sign of ovulation.
I actually have a test date and estimated due date and everything! Now all I have to do is keep temping and hope it doesn't drop.
Oh! I should mention that I have had sore nipples for a few days now. I'm not sure if that qualifies as "tender breasts" but I have been marking it on FF just in case. Maybe it's just a sign that I really did ovulate. I think DH sees it as a sign that maybe I'm pregnant! Anyway, if I really did ovulate on CD 16 and if we did conceive, I should be implanting any day now. Why do we do this to ourselves? You can tell my hopes are way up, right??
FF says I should test on May 7 (the day before DH's birthday I might add) which would be 19DPO. Can I wait that long?? Knowing me, I'll probably start testing on May 2nd which is 14 DPO...unless I get AF before then. But the good thing is that it's seems that 50mg of Clomid worked to at least make me ovulate which is the point!