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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tonight's the night...

Today is CD 5 and I'm scheduled to start my very first cycle of Clomid tonight.

I've been faithfully taking my prenatal vitamins (doc prescribed CitraNatal) and the baby aspirin. I'm really excited to see what it will be like. I'm also scared of having bad side effects. I'm taking them right before bed so hopefully I will sleep through symptoms.

AF came a day after I thought it would come (got it Friday instead of Thursday) so now I know I will have to take the last Clomid pill during my drive to visit my mom in Florida - I live in NJ. I really hope it doesn't affect my vacation next week...but if it does, I just hope it's well worth it.

I pray that I, at least, ovulate this cycle!! Wish me luck!! I'll let you know tomorrow how my first night on Clomid went.

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck to you!! Hopefully your side effects are minimal if any. I've always been a CD3 starter while on clomid-I wonder what the difference is-between CD3 and CD5?
