Great news...I feel a difference already in my arms. I decided to incorporate weights into my workout which is usually just cardio (eliptical machine and other work out videos on demand). But I've been using some little 3lb weights consistently and hubbs says he can already see some definition in my arms and I can actually feel it too.
I've also been doing some pilates workouts to slim and tone my legs. Actually, if you have comcast maybe you have this workout on there. It's under "10 minute workouts" and it's called something like "Leg Slimmer and Toner"...something like that.
It feels good to be working out again. I think I need to do better with the eating right part though.
On another note: I'm on CD14 today and I wonder what my body is up to. I haven't noticed any CM when wiping or anything. On Clomid I O'd on CD16 and 17 so I just wonder if I will O on my own this cycle and if so, when. Anyway...trying not to think about it...