11 eggs fertilized!! I'm ready to have 2 of those lovely embies transferred on Thursday!
I have to be there by 11:30am for a 12:30pm transfer. I can eat beforehand this time, which I'm happy about but again, no fragrances (so no deodorant). And I must arrive with a large bottle of water because they need a full bladder for the transfer! And although they don't prescribe bed rest, I will be on bed rest anyway so I am going to be out of work on Thursday and Friday.
Oh, and they confirmed that I will get a picture of the embies being transferred! Yippie!
Update: 3 of the remaining embroys made it to freeze :) 2 were day 3 freezes and 1 was a day 5 freeze.
The ET is such an emotional experience. It's so cool to watch on the u/s.