DH gave me my PIO shot last night (as he has every night since the ER) and this was the worst one yet! It was so painful going in and now it hurts as I sit here at work. Owie!! It's strange because, for the most part, they haven't really hurt at all. A little pinch going in and that's it. The right side has hurt slightly more than the left for some reason but last night...wow that hurt! I think we're going to stick to the left side for a few days.
In other news, I've been stressing about the absense of my boob soreness. Ever since the day after the trigger shot, I've had sore boobs. Makes sense since it's hcG, right? Well, I'm not sure exactly when it happened but the soreness went away. I think it stopped over the weekend because I definitely haven't felt it in the last few days. So maybe this means the trigger is out of my system? But I hope and pray that I'm pregnant so I hope to start feeling that tenderness again very soon. I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything but it comforted me somehow.
DH and I decided that I'll POAS on Sunday morning which will be 10dp3dt with the beta scheduled for Monday morning. Please send Ts&Ps and any PPVs!
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